I am Kyrra Hall. I was born and raised in a small country town. I was born to parents and
grandparents who taught me the value of having a strong belief and trust in God and great work
ethics. I am married and together we have two sons and one grandchild. My belief is “you’re
blessed when you bless others”. I see blessing others as not always a financial gift or blessing but
also as being an encouraging factor in someone’s life. I feel being a blessing is also just having a
listening ear, just being able to give advice, being able to encourage someone, being available to
offer assistance, being able to point someone in the right direction or just being available when
someone needs you. My personal goal in life is to bring sunshine to someone’s gloomy day by being
that encouraging voice they hear.
I graduated from high school in Gilbert South Carolina and went straight to college where my initial
plans were to study law. However, after starting a job at an area hospital I realized I had a passion
for caring for the sick. I decided to go into the medical field where I became a Registered Nurse and I
have now been a nurse for 40 years. As I grew up, I realize God had this career path destined for me
even from birth. However, I still had an interest in law, so I completed the Legal Nurse Consultant
program course from NCPT INC (National Center for Paralegal Training).
My career path has led me to meet many wonderful people. My experience in the medical field has
given me many opportunities to care for people of all ages, genders and ethnicities. I have worked
very closely with the sick, the disabled, the less fortunate and the fortunate. I love my career,
because I’ve been able to be a teacher, trainer, educator and leader throughout my career. I have
worn many different titles as a Nurse. My career includes working as a staff nurse, research nurse,
case manager, preceptor, dealing with Medicare and Medicaid, working with insurance companies
and working in many other areas.
My extracurricular activities include being a group leader of a married couple’s ministry, facilitating
and planning health fairs for my church, initiating food drive projects, and organizing food projects
for the children’s home and local food bank. I have worked with projects of giving to the homeless
shelter as well.
I thank God for blessing me with the ability to help others.